The Buddy Project is a fiction series that is aired on Channel [V]. This series launched in July 2012, instantly became a huge hit amongst its target viewers. It also became the highest rated series on the channel. It won the prestigious Indian Telly Award for the “Best Youth Show”.
This unique show with a hugely talented ensemble cast is a fascinating story of a student-teacher relationship. The once prestigious school – “Royal Academy”, has a tarnished image now! All thanks to its current batch of incorrigible students! This includes our eight protagonists! The Principal understands that these kids need a mending of a different kind… someone just like them or maybe worse! And so he brings in an old alumnus – Anirudh Jaitley.
Who can mend this jungle lot but the erstwhile Junglee himself! The story unfolds as Jaitley, now a straight-jacketed banker, endeavors to manage these students. It’s tough but he slowly manages to help the students get onto the right path. Somewhere he empathizes with their dilemmas of growing-up. In the process of helping students discover themselves, Jaitley rediscovers his own youthful exuberance. The underlying theme of the show is that life always sends an “indicator”; someone that makes us realize who we really are and what we are actually capable of achieving